Sunday, February 1, 2009

Religion and Science

Hello All,

I just read an article from a science forum online about the connection between religion and science. What do you think about the connection?

In books like Angels and Demons religion is portrayed as an opposition to science, but in religious books like the Qur'an and the Bible, it encourages people to study and learn and investigate events in their life. I don't feel that religion any more disporoves science as I feel science disproves religion. In fact, the more I learn about my religion and the more I learn about science, the more that I am convinced that each other is true.

The story of the creation of mankind in the Qur'an states that man is made from some sort of black mud or earth. Now let me ask you, can this statement be taken philosophically to simply be describing the flesh of the earth? Symbolic of the connection of man and earth, the connection between God's creation of human and of God's creation of Earth? Humans' DNA strands have the same 4 components of other living elements all around us on this planet.

In the Bible there is the story of the 3 Magi and how the glass turned to gold. Can this not be the religious evidence of the scientific transition metals and their qualities? Science (Pseudoscience and Fringe Science) have proven such things as levitation to a certain effect, so can this be the explanation to such stories in religious documents that state objects 'floating' above the ground?

I reccommend that you all brush up on your religious stories, and then come and try to tell me that there is no connection between religion and science. Please, I would like a good challenge, it might teach me a thing or to as well.

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