Sunday, February 8, 2009


Do you know about magnets? Over 2,000 years ago, the Chinese discovered Lodestone (the mineral that magnets are made from) and its basic capabilities. They would first take these Lodestones and place them on in an orderly fashion; then they would watch how the stones would orientate themselves in a similar manner everytime!

Magnets were first used in the form of compasses. During the years long ago, the Greeks occupied Turkey. Here they found a huge Lodestone deposit and made use of it. Can you guess what the name of this 'magnetic' region was called? It was called Magnesia, derived from the tribal term 'Magnetes'.

Lodestone is a magnetic mineral in which contains an invisible (weak) force.

Magnetic lines of force are strongest at the two poles- north and south. However, the lines of force run through the magnet, or in other words, from pole to pole. On the outside of the magnet, the magnetic lines of force loop around the magnet (see 2nd image above).

These magnetic lines of force then create a 3-Dimensional magnetic field. This field is the combination of all lines of force together.

Examples and Applications: The Auroras in the North and South Poles are one example of magnetism in everyday life. Each Aurora is caused by trapped light particles which are being emitted from the sun, which then follow along the lines of force, which then meet up where the loops close- at each pole. (See 1st image above)
Any comments?
Oh, did I mention that there is a North Pole in the South Pole and a South Pole in the North Pole? Well, we will get into that later!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hot Air Balloons

Have you ever cpntemplated why a hot air balloon rises? Well, a simplified answer can relate to either density or the principle of buoyancy.

Air pressure and density in terms of surrounding air are very similar. It is very similar to stacking books on top of each other. The book at the bottom will have more pressure being applied to it than that of the book on top. This is similar to density in the air. As the carbon dioxide from the flames makes its way into the balloon, the balloon inflates. The air going inside the balloon is in a sense "lighter" than that of the air outside of the balloon. The air inside the balloon therefor has "less" density, and therefor rises up.

The Principle of Buoyancy relates to hot air balloons in terms of displacement. As the warm air rushes into the balloon; colder and slower air is released out. Warmer air has faster moving particles, and since air consists of gases, then these particles are spaced out. As the colder air is displaced, the balloon will reach a certain point of equalibrium (this being when the balloon has displaced the same quantity of air in which was inserted into the balloon). Once this equalibrium is breached, and more air is displaced, the balloon will be consumed be larger amounts of faster moving particles. These faster, warmer particles will then cause the balloon to rise. Similar to the controversial saying of "warm air rises", the less dense air will cause the balloon to rise.

Any questions? Probably.

Ask Me!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Adventure and Science

Have you ever been camping and wondered how these famous mountain scalers accomplished what they have? Or how weather patterns really determine the next day's weather? Well, this is all the result of mathematics (simple algebra) and science.

To find weather patterns, one must look at the recent barometer and wind meter and find the mean (average) of all of the data results. Then take a look at the weather history in the area, as well as find the average of the weather patterns for the last 4 days. This will give you an approximate weather condition for a specific day. (However, one must also take into account outside numbers, or freelance numbers. These numbers may throw off the result, so always take these into account.)

What do you think? Do you think that God plays a role in everything? Or do you think that God creates people, objects, and places in hopes that we, as humans, will make the correct choices? Do you believe that God has a role in anything? Do you even believe in an omnipotent source?

Let me know! Remember: there are no stupid questions, just my stupid answers!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Religion and Science

Hello All,

I just read an article from a science forum online about the connection between religion and science. What do you think about the connection?

In books like Angels and Demons religion is portrayed as an opposition to science, but in religious books like the Qur'an and the Bible, it encourages people to study and learn and investigate events in their life. I don't feel that religion any more disporoves science as I feel science disproves religion. In fact, the more I learn about my religion and the more I learn about science, the more that I am convinced that each other is true.

The story of the creation of mankind in the Qur'an states that man is made from some sort of black mud or earth. Now let me ask you, can this statement be taken philosophically to simply be describing the flesh of the earth? Symbolic of the connection of man and earth, the connection between God's creation of human and of God's creation of Earth? Humans' DNA strands have the same 4 components of other living elements all around us on this planet.

In the Bible there is the story of the 3 Magi and how the glass turned to gold. Can this not be the religious evidence of the scientific transition metals and their qualities? Science (Pseudoscience and Fringe Science) have proven such things as levitation to a certain effect, so can this be the explanation to such stories in religious documents that state objects 'floating' above the ground?

I reccommend that you all brush up on your religious stories, and then come and try to tell me that there is no connection between religion and science. Please, I would like a good challenge, it might teach me a thing or to as well.